You’re Kidding Me, Right

Dear FlyLady,

I had to tell you what happened to me last week. Yet again, you managed to save the day. And my paycheck!!
Tuesday of last week, the water downstairs in our house all of a sudden lost pressure. My husband happened to be in the shower at the time and thought that we kept flushing the toilet on him. Needless to say, he wasn’t thrilled with us and our little joke. Unfortunately, it was no joke. Everything had lost water pressure. The sinks, the toilet, the shower, you get the point. Barely a trickle was coming out from any faucets. We couldn’t even flush the toilet.So, the hubby called a plumber who “rushed” right over the next morning. After doing his inspection, he informed us that we had a huge clog deep down in the drains and he would have to dig into the ground to get to the pipes with the clog to be able to clear it out. His estimate for all this work….. $3,400! What?! You’ve got to be kidding me, right?! There’s no way we can afford that!

DH and I discussed the problem later that night and realized we were just going to have to find another way. Then, it hit me! The FlyLady Clog Cannon! After reading so many good reviews about it, I knew it wouldn’t let me down. I immediately jumped online and ordered it.

Just a few days later, it arrived at our doorstep. Super fast shipping!! I was expecting to go at least a week longer with our trickling sinks and showers. After reading the instructions, I decided there was no need to wait until my DH got home to test it out and I was going to do it myself. And guess what… I was right! Not only could I do it by myself, it was easy to use AND (here’s the best part) IT WORKED!!!

FlyLady, you saved the day and my paycheck! I can never thank you enough for some an amazing product!

FlyBaby K in Tennessee

FlyLady here: I don’t know how the Clog Cannon could help with water pressure but I am so happy that it did. I know it can help with drains. I guess it would work if you put the clog cannon on the shower head that was barely running and shot it with the faucet valves open.

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