November Habit #14 Meal Planning Finally Clicked

Dear FlyLady,

I have been working hard at the new challenge of menu planning.

This is my HARDEST obstacle to overcome because although I like to eat, I am not fond of cooking. That mindset is changing & I am beginning to really enjoy blessing my family with a healthy meal and stress free cooking.

Usually I would look in my freezer and see what to make by then looking for recipes for the meat. I would get discouraged because I could not find the “perfect” recipe for the type of meat that I had in the freezer. I would then just go shopping and buy more meat & try then to decide what to do.

My light bulb moment was with the menu planning, and looking at the
recipes FIRST and WRITING my shopping list out from the recipes. My “new” plan is that before I buy any meat, I have a plan or recipe to use it. I am sure you have said that in your many wonderful emails, but this week it CLICKED
So off I went to the grocery store, list in hand & menu posted on the
refrigerator! I came home and unpacked. What I also needed to do, (which I know sounds silly) was place sticky notes on some of the items so others in the house would not use them as I needed those ingredients for upcoming meals For example, I bought a 1/2 gallon of Apple Cider for a Pork Roast recipe I want to try. In my family this 1/2 gallon can be gone with an afternoon snack ! I wanted everyone to know NOT to use it, so the sticky note was my way of reminding them of our special meal planned for Thursday!

Thank you for your constant reminders and encouragement.

I have been attempting to FLY for the past 3 years on this program, and for me this was a HUGE break thru in the blessing of my family and home.

Deb in Massachusetts

FlyLady here: Our November Habit of the Month – Menu Planning will save you so much time, stress and money and is definitely healthier than fast food.

We offer such helpful tools in our FlyShop to help make this habit fun and easy!

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