Don’t Make My Mistake

Dear FlyLady,

I wanted to share a situation about lint and the dryer with our readers. I purchased a FlyLady Dryer Kit yrs. ago, and kept saying I am going to use it, but I of course procrastinated to the point of it taking my dryer 2 to 3 cycles to get the loads of laundry actually dry!  I actually forgot what it was like to put a load in a dryer and take them out after one cycle, until I did someone’s laundry at someone else’s house.

Ladies, why do we procrastinate? We don’t think a fire is going to happen to us, or do we even think that we are putting our family or our pets (who are like our furry children) in harms way when we procrastinate on this matter, until we are devastated with the results of a fire or, God Forbid, loss of life and/or home too!!!

Don’t wait, Do it NOW!!!!  If you care about your Family DO IT NOW!!! I knew that I either had a heating element out or I had lint build up. Well, I finally had my Husband take the back of the dryer off, because the vacuuming of the lint trap area didn’t solve the problem. I had the serviceman check the elements and they were fine, so we continued to look….and what we found is the buildup of lint behind what they call the squirrel cage, where the fan blows the hot air “OUT” of the dryer into the exhaust hose!  Because the lint was packed in there so tight, the fan couldn’t blow the lint out of the hose to the outside, therefore it stayed sweaty and moist in the exhaust hose. Any lint that did get by it stuck to the exit hose to the point where there is massive buildup in there of about 3 inches and we are still trying to get to that buildup and break it loose without having to get to the hose from the attic!!

I should be saving a lot of money when my dryer is working right and I don’t have to run it 2-3 cycles, PLUS we are a lot SAFER!!

Theresa White
Indpls, IN
Sent from Windows Mail

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