Purple Suds

Dear FlyLady,

I love the purple rags in a bag. I’ve bought 2 sets already and will buy more on payday. I need a rag in each room of the house and in each car. I must admit though, I don’t follow directions well. I was reading the e-mail this evening about the care for the purple rags .

Well…I don’t wash them first. The first things the new rags are for is washing dishes! I love having PURPLE suds!! It makes the job more fun and I feel like FlyLady is cheering me on to get finished. Once I don’t have anymore purple suds then they get put into regular rotation. It’s a nice way to make certain the purple doesn’t get on my DS&DH’s t-shirts while I get a FlyLady hug when I do dishes.

A San Antonio FlyBaby.


FlyLady here: This is funny! Please be sure and rinse your dishes well. Maybe even wash them again. I would not recommend this. If you want purple soap suds then use a little red and blue food coloring. Please wash your purple rags alone before using them. I use a bucket to rinse mine in hot water because hot water makes colors bleed. Maybe we will get a lighter color purple next time.

The dye does not effect how well they work! Also, we now have our Purple Rags in a Bag in Silver


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