Where Do You Get These?

Dear FlyLady,

I have a friend who knows everything and is never amazed at much.  ( you know the type!).

She was telling me about the wonderful foam type window cleaner she was using on her mirrors and glass doors.  She said she had just cleaned them, and even with this wonderful “new cleaner” she could still see streaks!  I pulled out one of my purple rags ( I keep a damp one in my car in a zip lock bag) and ran it over her glass door a few times.  It was rather wet, so she went to get a paper towel.  She was amazed to watch it dry before her eyes and smiled as the sun came in with NO streaks!!!

I loved it when she said: “Where did you say you get these?”

They purple rags really are the best thing ever!  I ordered more and will be cutting one of them into quarters, hemming the sides, and giving them to my sisters to carry for eyeglasses!  They clean circles around any other type of micro cloths on the market!

Thank you FlyLady for all you do!!!!
FlyBaby L.

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