How did you come up with the name “27 Fling Boogie”? Please explain to others what it is.FlyBaby Tami
Dear Friends,
The other night FlyBaby Tami asked me how did I come up with the name “27 Fling Boogie”? She was curious because she has been a FlyBaby for a long time and now she is helping other FlyBabies. They use the “27 Fling Boogie” every day to eliminate clutter in their homes.
When I first started getting organized, I was reading two books: The Nine Steps to Financial Freedom and 101 Ways to Feng Shui Your Home. In the Suze Orman book, Nine Steps she played a game of gathering up 25 items of trash to throw away. Then she told us to run though the house and gather up 25 items to give away.
In the Feng Shui book, we were taught that moving nine items in your home created a different flow of energy. I figured if nine was good, then three times nine would be even better. That how the “27 Fling Boogie was born.
We had clutter everywhere. I needed a fun way to get rid of it. With some fun music to energize me, I would grab a bag and gather up 27 items to throw away. Then I would gather up 27 items to give away!
The one rule you have to remember is the bag of trash has to go into the garbage can immediate. The give away items have to go to your car immediately.
When I was decluttering I did a “27 Fling Boogie” three times a day: Morning, Noon, and Night! As the clutter left our home, it made it easier to do my simple routines.