Please Be Prepared

Dear FlyLady and friends,

Never, ever thought I’d be writing a testimonial! But here I am. We’ve lived in our home for 16 years and after reading about dryer fires due to lint accumulation; I ordered the Dryer Cleaning kit.

Well, when we pulled the dryer away from the basement wall we could see that the vent pipe thing had a huge hole in it! So, the lint was not only in the vent, it was caked onto the wall behind the dryer and the floor under it. (It’s a gas dryer.) It’s a miracle that we never had a fire in our home. (Fortunately the wall and floor are concrete.) Not to mention carbon monoxide.

Anyway, how to get the very caked on lint crud off the walls and floor? I knew not to add water because that would have been a disaster. Rubba Scrubba to the rescue! A quick rub and that stuff turned into little logs of lint that were easy to vacuum up.

I’m also using parts of the Dryer kit to clean my radiators, yes radiators, it’s a great old house!

Thanks for great products and life saving advice!

Chris in Upstate NY

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