December Habit #4 I Am Worthy of Love

Dear FlyLady,

Today I took myself to lunch.

I am a payroll SHE, and I get an hour lunch each day. Most days, I just sit at my desk and eat and read your emails.

However, today I thought about this month’s habit. Pampering Myself. So I armed myself with a good encouraging book and I went to my favorite little cafe where I could get some yummy Lemonade Tea and a nice quiet corner near the window. I used to be intimidated to eat lunch in a restaurant alone. I don’t know why, but I always felt like people would look at me funny if I didn’t have a friend with me, but I have overcome that fear, and now I realize how much I really enjoy it.

Thank you for everything and congratulations on many years of helping

God bless you and all the FlyBabies of the world!


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