Wake-Up Call

Dear FlyLady,

I have been on and off a FlyBaby for about a decade. I started off gung ho, bought all the tools, used my calendar, shined my sink. Until it got hard. Every time I got to the “hard part”, which for me is paper clutter, I would get stuck in the mud and everything seemed to come to a screeching halt.  It’s like a full-on rebellion of my inner child, stubbornly stomping her foot, saying “See, I knew it wouldn’t work. Why try?”  Then everything gets so overwhelming that I have to do something, so I start again from the beginning, and so it has gone.
Funny thing is, while I knew I kept failing, I didn’t actually realize why.  I would just blame it on being too busy, that season in life, this or that event or sport getting in the way (and don’t you know, it’s always something!)
So, back to this week.  I live in Columbia, SC. While many have lost everything, roads have been washed out, evacuations immediate as dams broke, we have fared well at the higher end of our subdivision and are so fortunate.  But the possibility of being flooded was a wake-up call for me. As people were collecting important documents, special photos, necessary papers, I realized I had no idea where much of that stuff is in my house. In several boxes here and there, I suppose. How appropriate that October is Paper Clutter Month. I am so fortunate to have been spared and have yet another chance to get my act together.
Thank you for your tools and guidance to help get me through this daunting task.  I’m jumping in right where I am, with the flood to remind me why this is so important.

FlyBaby Kristi


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