January Habit #21 I Learned Something

Dear FlyLady,

I finally got it! I always hated the thought of having to scrub my sink before bed, and never got into the habit. And indeed, it was an occasional but serious scrub.

This month, thanks to the shiny gold stars you suggested, I decided to really give it a try. The first night after dinner, I scrubbed with borax. The second night, I scrubbed with borax, but not for long. The third night I realized it only needed a spray of water and a towel! Now I get it! When you say shine your sink, you don’t mean spend 15 minutes scrubbing every night. You mean give it a spray and a shine, and if I keep it up, that’s all it will need most of the time!

I get to have a gold star for remembering to shine, not for slaving away.

Thank you!
Kathy in MN

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