January Habit #22 It’s Not a Marathon

Dear FlyLady,

Its been at least 3 yrs since the last time I picked up a control journal. I still have it… somewhere.

But I fell our of habit and let things slide. So several friends and I decided to work together, hold each other accountable, and start from the beginning. Our friendship spans the world, we can’t check on each others houses, but we can message each other, remind each other, and share pictures together. But together we are learning to FLY.

We are all on day 2 right now. but let me tell you. Waking up this morning to a clean shiny sink really set the tone for the day. And for the first time in 3 years I woke up, took a shower right away, got dressed, search for my lace up shoes (which I haven’t worn in 6 months) and did my hair and makeup (which I haven’t done in many months either). And for the first time in many months I feel GOOD about myself.

But I was even more shocked to walk out after getting ready for the day to find my son washing his and his siblings breakfast dishes. I thanked him for washing them and he said to me “Mom, the sink is so clean, I didn’t want it to look dirty!” I was SHOCKED. My son HATES doing dishes. He has
repeatedly done ANY thing to avoid washing a single fork. Yet here he was washing 3 bowls and 3 spoons, DRYING them, and putting them away without being asked.

Simply because my sink was shining. He even dried out the sink afterwards!

I about cried, tears of Joy. I was free this morning from the stress and weight that every morning has carried when I get overwhelmed the moment I get out of bed. I feel like I CAN take control of my home! I was able to immediately make my own breakfast, wash my own breakfast dishes, and then
took 15 minutes to go through all our cups (which I realized we had way too many when I could not close the cabinet because there were too many cups) and declutter.

Thank you for reminding me that its not a marathon, but more a series of small steps, to get out of CHAOS.

A FlyBaby

FlyLady here: I have always said that slow and steady wins the race! We are not in a marathon. We are taking BabySteps to change our lives and our homes.

Our habit this month is to shine your sink. I first shined my own sink when I was living in CHAOS. I was amazed at how happy I felt when I was greeted each morning with a shiny sink. The rest of the house could be in CHAOS, but my sink was shiny.

I still rinse out my sink and wipe it down every evening. Then I put out the fresh dish towel for the next day. I go to bed happy.

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