I Was Pretty Skeptical


Dear FlyLady:

I just had to write & tell you that I LOVE my new grocery bags!!

I admit, I was pretty skeptical at first & ended up buying two sets because I honestly couldn’t see how just one set would hold everything I bring back from the grocery store.

This is a payday weekend for me, which means I do a “big shop” & stock up on a lot of stuff. Would you believe I got every bit of it in two insulated & three purple bags… I only needed one set after all!!

They really are roomy – especially the insulated ones. A 5-lb package of hamburger meat fit easily in the bottom of one; my milk & juice fit in the second one with plenty of room to spare. They stayed standing up in the trunk, which means no cans escaped & went rolling around in the trunk on me. Plus unloading stuff was much easier – I knew exactly where the cold stuff was so it could be put up first. And the best part – I didn’t have to feel guilty for throwing away a gazillion plastic bags because I rarely have a need for them around my house!!

The cashier even commented to me that she’s seen lots of people bringing their own shopping bags lately, but she’s never seen insulated ones & never “such pretty purple ones” before.


FlyBaby T


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