January Habit #26 What Have You Done to the Sink?

Dear FlyLady,

I’ve been fluttering for about a year now and although my house is by no means “p*****t” it is now quite a respectable place to call home. I admit that I haven’t always done EVERYTHING you tell us to but quite recently had my very own A-HA moment.

I’ve always made my bed as soon as I get up and have always loaded at least one load of washing a day (with 3 children it’s a must!). I’ve always hoovered,dusted and polished at least once a week and I swish and swipe my kitchen as well as my bathroom every day. My sink is (usually) empty but this is where my problem lay.

I had never shined my sink following your shiny sink 101 method. Feeling a little bereft once all the children had gone back to school after the Christmas holidays and with my husband away working I had some time on my hands so decided to give your sink shining thing a go. I was really pleased with the results and was feeling very proud of my hard work.

Well my husband returned home walked into the kitchen and said “what on earth have you done to the sink??”. Thinking maybe I had ruined it in some way or broken it I said “nothing” to which my husband replied “but it’s so shiny!”

I’m happy to report that not only is my sink in the kitchen incredibly shiny, but the one in the utility is too, as well as all my other shiny appliances as I was so spurred on by this immediate appreciation of my shiny kitchen sink I immediately set to work on everything else!!

And I no longer skip any of the other things you tell me to do!
Thank you so much for making me smile!

A UK flybaby

FlyLady here: The month is almost over. Have you joined in on this month’s habit of shining your sink?

Once you get it really clean, all you need to do is rinse it out and wipe it down every evening. Your shiny sink will greet you in the morning.

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