January Habit #28 Single Father Keeping Sink Shiny

Dear FlyLady,

I am a single father with 3 kids living at home. I have tried many strategies that seemed logical, but they all failed horribly. I definitely know the feeling of trying to do too much and getting burned out. Many times, I was never even sure where to start. I was looking for something to help me get organized and then I remembered your site.

So, I am on day 3. I have kept my sink shiny for 3 days now. It seems like such a little thing, but like a lot of other stories I have read, I will walk by and smile at my shiny sink. It is more than just about the shiny sink, it is what it represents…the hope and excitement about the possibility and realization that one day in the not too distant future, we will have a house that is clean and organized.

I heard once that a habit is formed when three things overlap…1) the ability to do something, 2) the desire to do something and 3) the knowledge on how to do something. I know I have always had the ability, but failed attempts before have left me without the desire to do something. Now, with your strategy and experiences, I have the knowledge of a system that has worked for thousands of people. This knowledge (and my Shiny Sink) has increased my desire.

So, I can see nothing but good habits forming in the future. I hope these habits will rub off on my kids, as well.

Thanks so much,
John in Texas

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