My Bedtime Routine

Dear FlyLady and Crew,

Just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful products.  I had a couple years ago purchased the feather duster and the purple rags in a bag but the DS broke my feather duster accidentally and I used the purple rags until I couldn’t anymore.   I haven’t been able to replace them because of financial issues but I got a really nice bonus from work and decided that I need to pamper me (a rare thing indeed).

I ordered my feather duster and all the rags and the clog cannon a week ago.  I wasn’t expecting my package to arrive until next week.  I was so excited to see my package arrive today.  I haven’t had a chance to use the clog cannon or feather duster yet but am so happy to use my rags tonight.  My bedtime routine includes shinning my sink (so glad to say I was able to maintain that for the month of January and February is looking fairly shiny I am so happy) and getting to use the rags for that is my pamper me tonight.  I will be using the feather duster on my decluttered TV stand tomorrow and the clog cannon on my tub this weekend.

I am still living in CHAOS but I am eliminating it one babystep at a time and am thankful to have the wonderful tools you provide to assist me with this.

Happy Tonight
P’cola Flybaby
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