Pulled Me in and Kept Me Interested

Dear Flylady,

Well I just finished reading Could You But Find It and give it 5 stars. This novel pulled me in rather quickly and kept me interested the entire time. I now understand why I read a review where someone stated that they began reading the book for a second time as soon as they had finished reading the book. I am very glad that I purchased this book instead of borrowing it from my library because I will definitely be reading this book again. I will be recommending this book to friends and family.

Avid reader in Connecticut


I absolutely loved this book!  I read it twice.  I loved all the twists and turns.  It was very good reading and suitable for all ages, if I remember correctly.  I can’t wait for the next book.  Please tell Robert to keep up the good work!

So Cal FlyBaby


I thoroughly enjoyed this book; hated for it to end and can’t wait for the next book.  Thanks for a great read!

Dee W.

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