Here’s One More

Dear FlyLady,

I know you get tons of emails about the water bottles, and here’s one more.
I bought one for myself, and like everyone else, ended up buying one for my DH. He brags about it to anyone who stands still long enough. We used to buy the individual bottles of water, by the case, and they were everywhere. Half bottles in the bedroom,car, even in the bathroom. And I would get so upset to see all that water, and money, wasted. I used to pour them in the dogs water bowl, just so it wasn’t a total waste.
Our tap water is fine, but I don’t like the taste of it. Now I buy spring water in gallon jugs for 50 cents each! No more wasted money or water. The dogs are drinking tap water. No bottles everywhere, or rolling out from under my car seat when I hit the brakes. My grown kids would come to the house with the grandbabies, and everyone would open a bottle of water, then they would leave, and I’d have 4 or 5 bottles of water with as little as a few sips taken out.
Now they have to pour from the big jug and I can make sure the little ones only get a small cup instead of a whole bottle. More money saved, and less resentment on my part when they leave these almost full bottles behind or if I find one open and laying on it’s side on my couch or rug. I will be buying them all a FlyLady Water Bottle of their own for Christmas. Even the 3 year olds can have one, so they have water on hand instead of soda, in a bottle that won’t break when dropped, or crack and warp in the dishwasher.

We are both drinking a lot more water, and have noticed health benefits already. I am considering buying another bottle for my iced coffee. I would like to keep one just for water.  My DH and I both take a bottle of water for our nightstand each night, and really enjoy the ice cold water hours later if we wake up thirsty, and I don’t have to turn on the light to make sure a bug didn’t land in my glass! What absolutely blows our minds is that we have left that water there, till bedtime the next night once or twice (before we got in the habit of taking it everywhere we go) and there was still ice in it 24 hours later!! Unbelievable!! Thanks for finding it for us, and thanks for not putting any printing on it that would make it difficult to give to people who are not involved with Flying. Love it. Love it!

JJH from Goffstown, NH



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