My Liquid Facelift


Dear FlyLady,

I have been drinking my water for the last seven weeks and have noticed my lines disappearing. I call it my “face lift”. No sodas or caffeine either, just skim milk. I’m still moisturizing though, body and face, because it can’t do any harm and it’s winter here in Australia.

By the way, I’m 45 and now have high hopes that when I’m 55, 65 or even 75 my skin won’t have the amount of wrinkles I had almost become resigned to expect previously. Today I went without foundation and just a little moisturizer because I had to leave the house quickly.

I couldn’t believe how good my skin looked! What a morale booster! I also put on a pair of jeans I hadn’t worn in a few weeks and noticed they’re not fitting quite as tight as before.

Thank you for your constant positive attitude and encouragement. You have truly been an answer to my prayers.

Flying in Canberra!!

FlyLady here: Water is such a simple way to take care of your body and save us money too! Drinking your water can help to prevent blemishes too.

Give your yourself a drink of the fountain of youth. When you have a bottle that keeps your water cold it is much easier to drink.



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