Creative With My Routines

Dear FlyLady,
I am getting creative with my routines.  Five years ago, I was diagnosed with severe asthma and chronic bronchitis.  I usually feel extremely tired if not downright sick, and have been trying to figure out how to do my routines. I’ve finally found what works for me on days when I feel like I can barely crawl out of bed.  I set my timer for 15 minutes, and focus on one small part of my daily routine.  Then I set my timer for 15 minutes, and I rest in bed. Another 15 minutes of routines, and another 15 minutes of rest.It’s amazing what I’ve been able to accomplish in my 4 weeks of FLYing!  Even on the many days I’m feeling low and moving slow.  The fact is that thanks to you, I AM MOVING.  I am FOCUSED.  And when I’m resting in bed, I’m often reading FlyLady testimonials which give me the STRENGTH and COURAGE to get back up when my timer goes off.Thank you SO much!Much love,


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