Three Days in an Outdoor Locker

Dear FlyLady,

I recently purchased 2 of the stainless steel water bottles.  Of course, they arrived quicker than expected which was great, as I wanted one of them for my high school DD to take with her lunch, and one for myself.  Well, my 6-yo DS keeps taking mine to bed with him and loves it as he can easily fill it himself (and without making a mess!).
But I’m mainly writing to let you know that my daughter left hers in her outdoor metal school locker last Friday.  It was in her hot locker for 3 days.  When she checked it on Monday, I’m sure she was thinking she would have to throw away that water, but it was still cold!  We live in So-Cal!  It’s still warm here!
I’ve read all the testimonials about this product, so I didn’t expect to be surprised, but this got me!  Now she’s taking water to school instead of buying bottled water or, more likely, filling up and reusing an old bottled water bottle (yuck)…now if I can just figure out what to do about my son…

VW in So-Cal


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