I Was Not Kidding

Hi FlyLady!
I am a working mom of three and wife. My husband and I have noticed for a while that our lives run so much better and we’re less stressed if our house is in order. I became a FlyBaby about 6 weeks ago and I love the program. One of the first things my husband noticed was the shiny sink. He asked me how I got it so shiny and laughed when I told him I waxed it. I think he thought I was kidding, but soon figured out I wasn’t.

Thanks for helping me make my home run smoother.

PS- he’s also a huge fan of my the swish and swipe routine as well. I told him “Nothing says I love you like a clean toilet,” which he also found very funny, but useful when he was sick with a stomach bug three weeks ago!

FlyBaby Samantha

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