A New Way to Mop: FlyBaby Tip

Dear FlyLady,

I’m sure it has been mentioned before, but I just wanted to share how I use my Rubba Sweepa and love it! My most hated household chore is mopping floors. Before I had kids, I would go a loooooong time between moppings.

Yuck. Now that I have little ones who are always spilling things, dropping sippy cups, and throwing food from their high chairs, my floors simply can’t stay clean. I always mop on Mondays as part of my WHB hour, but they get dirty again immediately, especially under the high chair. I had been getting on my hands and knees with vinegar and paper towels every night, until one day, a friend of mine (who is also a FlyBaby) said, “you know, I use my Rubba Sweepa to do a quick damp mop every night.”

I looked at her blankly. She said, “just put a wet rag on the ground and use the Rubba Sweepa to push it around!”So as part of my nightly routine, I fill my sink with about 2 inches of hot water, a few squirts of dish soap (soap is soap!) and use a microfiber cloth to wash out my sink. Then I ring out the cloth, throw it on the ground, and wipe down my floor. Stuff comes off much more easily with the friction of the Rubba Sweepa and I’m not on my hands and knees! I toss the cloth in the washing machine and I’m done. It takes less than 2 minutes (I’ve timed it) and my floors stay clean! No more shoes sticking to the floor as I walk through the kitchen!I wasn’t sure when I got the Rubba Sweepa if I really would use it, but it is my favorite go-to cleaning tool.

I used it for cleaning two feet of snow off my car last winter. Also, my regular mop was just discontinued so I can’t get mop-head refills anymore. I didn’t want to buy a new mop, so for my WHB hour this week, I poured hot soapy water on the floor, used the scrubby side of the Rubba Sweepa to mop the floor, the squeegee side to collect the water into a puddle, and then a big bath towel to dry it up. It worked really well and even did a better job on the corners and edges than my regular mop does. So now I don’t need to buy a new mop, and no more money or landfill space spent on disposable mopheads!

Thanks for such a great tool! (Oh, I love the Rubba Swisha too, by the way — my toilets have never been so sparkly!)

Flying with Rubba Tools!

FlyLady here: Soap is soap and mopping amounts to putting water down and wiping it up! You go girl for coming up with a great idea for mopping! I use my Rubba Sweepa to clean the non-slip outdoor tile in my bathroom. It also works great to get dog hair off my throw rugs in front of my doors.


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