I Can’t Wait For The FlyLady Calendar

Dear FlyLady,

I began purchasing calendars  from you back before you had designed your own. In our house, if it’s not on the kitchen calendar, it doesn’t exist. We write EVERYTHING on it, even though we both keep electronic calendars (Blackberry and Gmail) separately. I especially like to write little notes in the margins of the pages so I don’t have to keep my brain full of stuff to remember.
I faithfully ordered a calendar every year because the spaces are incredibly large and they easily fit multiple notes for each day. With two full-time working outside the home parents, a 5 year old and a baby–we have a lot of activities to remember! However, last year I did not order a FlyLady calendar because I, like the rest of the nation, was trying to squeeze everything I could out of the household budget. Instead, I went to a big box bookstore and bought a calendar marketed specifically to moms/families. Boy have I been VERY disappointed! The spaces are too small for my handwriting (I’m left-handed and write kind of big and sloppy) and I can’t fit more than one thing in the space per day. It’s so annoying!
I kept telling my DH “I hate this calendar–I can’t wait to order the FlyLady calendar— I will NEVER use another calendar again!”. He finally got fed up with me saying it practically every day that he asked me last night “Well, why don’t you see when her new calendar is available???” What a smart man I married!
I jumped on your website today and what do ya know? The calendar was ready to go! I eagerly await the delivery of my calendar so I can once again keep my family on track, see what’s coming up in a glance, and have enough room to write everything on it! I ordered both the student sticker kit and the regular sticker kit. I have felt SO LOST without this awesome tool! I can’t wait to start to fill it in-LOL!
Thanks for all you do. You really are a blessing!
Much love!

Angie S. (Atlanta, GA)


FlyLady Here: Our new calendars are NOW in the FlyShop! If you have never used our FlyLady Calendar before, then you have a treat in store for you. We have large squares to hold all your family’s schedules.


The FlyLady Calendar is a 17 month (August 2018 – December 2019) calendar and you can start using it in August for the new school year.

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