Dad Loves The Calendar, Too

Dear FlyLady,

I have a calendar “story” for you. My Father was supposed to come visit on Wednesday for a whole week, but because of the weather, he came two days earlier. We were at the dentist when he arrived so he let himself into the house and waited.

We were pleasantly surprised to see “Pappy” when we returned. After hugs and kisses, I said, “you just missed us, we were at the dentist!” He replied, “I know, I looked at your calendar”. He even knew when our appointment time was, so he knew we would be home soon.

He then told me that he started a calendar “like mine” for he and his wife. I
didn’t even realize he noticed this when he visited.

Oh, and by the way, the house was in order as well, thanks to my  daily routines! Thanks for all that you encourage!

Flying in PA

calendar400FlyLady here: One of the most important tools to help you FLY is a good calendar. Even children can teach their parents the value of using a calendar!!

Our new calendars are NOW in the FlyShop! If you have never used our FlyLady Calendar before, then you have a treat in store for you.

Save 20% with Coupon Code Shiny591

We have large squares to hold all your family’s schedules. The FlyLady Calendar is a 17 month (August 2018 – December 2019) calendar and you can start using it in August for the new school year.

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