FlyLady System Has Been a Godsend

Dear FlyLady,

I have only been sputtering along for about 3 weeks now. Haven’t yet incorporated all of the routines but trying to get my list made. I had heard such great things about the Rubba Swisha and Purple Rags and since they were a package deal I couldn’t pass it up. I finally found crocks to put them, I have decluttered most of my vases. They work great, so easy to use on a daily basis, no more buying toilet bowl cleaner.

The Purple Rags work great on my windows, doors, dishes as well as my Crocs. I know you don’t want to hear about my Crocs but I wear them outside when I am working around water (cleaning the house down or washing the car, I hate to have wet shoes).

I also ordered the XL mop and found it a breeze to mop my floors. It was so easy to wet the mop then wring it out and when it gets dirty just spray off and repeat. I love it.

The feather duster is beautiful. It is so easy to dust with. I have been dusting a few days now then found your video on how to dust. It helped me immensely and made it even easier to dust then bless the world. Lol

I am 61 years old and have severe depression. I find it very difficult to get motivated but your kind, tough words, and FlyLady system has been a Godsend. I tried the 40 Bags in 40 Days method but couldn’t keep with it for long amounts of time. I love your routines, incorporating new ones in slowly to keep with them and breaking them down in increments. You have changed my mindset and given me hope that I can actually achieve a clean decluttered home.


Thank you,
Indiana Flybaby

FlyLady here: I have suffered with depression and I totally understand the lack of motivation. I believe that my past depression has helped me to guide you with kind but tough words. BabySteps are the key to get moving forward.

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