A Wonderful Surprise

Dear FlyLady,

I am sending this testimonial in today because I had such a fantastic day with FLYing. I am only 19 and still live with my parents while I go to school and work part time. My parents work hard so they have never done much cleaning, but I was tired of the mess. My parents hired a maid service, but they never really got anything clean, since they only had an hour to do the whole house. I blamed my parents for a while. Why weren’t they doing anything?

Then I realized it was my fault. My parents work hard all day while I have plenty of time in between work and classes to get things done. I finally realized this is my house, too, so I took responsibility and started FLYing.

Today, I found a feather duster that had been left in the garage– still brand new and unwrapped! I decided to put it to the test, flying around my house. I had so much fun finding new places to dust! I have high vaulted ceilings and no one has ever tried cleaning up high. But today, I used my feather duster and cleaned up all the cobwebs. Some spots on the wall that had been there for years that I thought were just part of the wall actually turned out to be cobwebs!

I had so much fun, I decided to start an even more difficult task: the laundry room. Behind my washer and dryer I knew it was a complete mess, but I didn’t know how bad it was until I looked. No one has looked back there, let alone clean it, since we moved here in 2009. There was a 6inch layer of dust back there! Talk about fire hazard! But armed with my feather duster, I started with the walls. Then I got a broom and, little by little, I swept up the dust. I even found a mug that I didn’t know we had, buried under all the dust and lint.

I am proud to say that this area, although not perfect, is no longer a fire hazard! And my dryer runs much better now that the vents aren’t clogged by dust and lint. So thank you, FlyLady, for showing me how to take responsibility for the CHAOS in my house!


FlyBaby Jo

FlyLady here: I am so proud of this young lady! She is wise for her young years. It is amazing how one little feather duster can get you moving!

silverdusterWe have a brand new duster: it is silver!

Use Coupon Code Clean461 to save 20%! Be sure and add a calendar to your order. School will be starting soon!

Feather dusting my whole house takes 2 minutes.  In this video I am showing you how to dust; it took longer than 2 minutes! You never have to see dust again!

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