A Plea From An Endangered Species: Dust Bunnies

Dear FlyLady,

Have you no mercy? Do you feel nothing when you see a native animal driven from it’s habitat? How can you encourage your readers to, little by little, take over the areas where we live and make them completely uninhabitable for us?

That’s right. I used to have several comfortable places to lay my weary head: under the bed, beside the refrigerator, behind the television. But you, dear lady, have taken all that away from me. I am constantly searching for new places to hide, but just when I think I have found one, BAM! The homeowner moves into a new “zone” and I am displaced again. Left to wander deeper and deeper into closets and corners, I live in constant fear that my new home will be “flywashed” next.

How can you live with yourself? How can you sleep at night?

Please reconsider your war on clutter…you are leaving a lot of dust bunnies homeless in the process!


Dust Bunny

FlyLady Here: Dear Dust Bunny I am very sorry that you are homeless but I think you would have a much better time outside in the yard with the other bunnies.

I have a fun way to gently take your dust bunnies outside to play in their preferred habitat. While your coffee is making in the morning take your FlyLady XL Mop and quickly corral them. As the dust mop fills up with Dust Bunnies. Go outside and bless the world with your captives. They will be much happier outside!

FlyLady here: Our XL Mop is a great tool to get things done! It is half price! Get yours today! We will

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Do you have an XL Mop Testimonial? Please send it to me: FlyLady@flylady.net with WHAT A MOP in the subject line!

If you need more of a laugh than this testimonial go check out my YouTube Video about dust mopping. Since I made this fun video; I have learned that I can skip the dust mopping or sweeping step and go straight to wet mopping!

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