Thanks for the Memories

Dear FlyLady and Crew,

I like receiving the testimonials and morning musings and often find that they contain very timely advice. As a mom of 3 DD’s (4, 2, & 2mos), your words on patience and kind words are especially encouraging. Your suggestions help me focus on what matters most. I have work to do but I know I want the “sweet” life for me and my girls.

Today, out of nowhere my 2yo said she wanted to dust with me. She had to repeat herself a few times for me to understand her request, but while I was surprised, I figured why not do it now? So she, her big sister (4) and I went around the house with our dusters, taking breaks to “bless the world” out the door and we made a memory. Who knew dusting could be child’s play? I guess you did.

I just ordered my calendar today and love the fact that I’ll be able to get the whole school year on it. No scrambling the 1st week of January not knowing where we’re supposed to be. And wouldn’t you know it, you sent us a message about practicing using our calendars. How do you know these things? And my DH loves a shiny sink and cleared hot spots. He doesn’t call them that, but I’ve found my action inspires his own. Nagging is not required, who knew? I guess that would be FlyLady again.

Thanks for the tools, the memories, and the lessons that I’m learning that bless my family.

A grateful FlyBaby who appreciates the magic of turning good ideas into habits for life

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