Amazed at How Good the Stairs Looked

Dear FlyLady,

Thanks so much for creating the Rubba Scrubba! I got one last week with my starter kit and thought, What on earth do I do with this? So I looked at the list on your website. When I saw the word “stairs,” it clicked! We have old berber carpet on our stairs–I call it hair holder carpet! We have 2 adorable black-and-white rescue cats (Sophie and Alice), but boy, does their fur stay on that carpet. Today I thought I’d give the Rubba Scrubba a chance to shine.

WOW! I started at the top of the stairs, brushing downwards on each step. Alice was watching me closely. Soon my husband appeared at the top of the stairs, amazed 1) that I was cleaning, and 2) at how good the stairs looked.

Thank you, thank you!

Donna in Calera, AL

FlyLady here: Stairs can be a pain. I have a set going down to our basement; thank goodness we do not have carpet on them. Always be safe on stairs. Use your handrail. This is a great tip! I am going to have to try this our on stairs.

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