Quick Notes For Me

Dear FlyLady,

Thanks for everything you do for us FlyBabies.There are so many ways things have changed (and stayed changed) in our home thanks to your loving guidance.  They are too numerous to count, but not too numerous to appreciate.  But today, as we go cruising through our Holidays, I wanted to send a note with a quick, easy tip.

Each year I post a sheet of paper on the side of the fridge.  As I go through our holiday preparations and celebrations I make some quick notes of what went well, what to do differently, what’s getting worn-out, etc..  I often make many of my notes at the end of the holidays when I am putting things away.  If things need to be replaced I try to get them for a bargain during the clearance sales.

Otherwise, I tuck my note in the back of my trusty calendar until I switch calendars in September and transfer my notes to the October page so that I am can jump start my cruise preparations.  Since I’ve been doing this for a few years now I also remember it’s there when I have a Christmas gift idea during the year.  Last year, my most difficult to buy for family members were taken care of before November 1st. Yeah me!  I hope this can help someone else.

Thanks again for everything,

FlyBaby in Jersey

FlyLady here: Use your calendar or your Holiday Control Journal to keep up with the things you need for the holidays.

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