No Girly Foo Foo Calendar

Dear FlyLady,

I know you must get countless testimonials on the calendar, but I had to chip in my two cents worth. Since I got married 20 years ago (yea us!) I have been a staunch calendar user.

We are both members of singing groups with busy performance schedules, and some times things overlapped or conflicted, so my motto has always been, “If it’s not on the calendar, we don’t get to do it!”

We have slowly trained ourselves to write it on the calendar, and to CHECK it nightly. (I guess I had a precursor to my bedtime routine already!) But as we had kids and they got bigger and busier, no calendar was really adequate.

So, I thought, I’ll order the FlyLady calendar. Even if it’s not any better than anything else I’ve used before, at least it’s not any worse. Wow, was I amazed!

The kids, and even my DDH (dear darling husband) commented that this calendar was big enough for everybody’s stuff, and “no foo-foo pictures to look all girlie!” (my DS16)

So thank you FlyLady, for helping this singing homeschool family FLY!

FlyBaby Kathi

FlyLady here: Our calendar is just great for families with busy schedules – if you have not gotten yours, don’t procrastinate!!

calendarpageimageYou will FLY with good calendar habits! It wasn’t until I incorporated looking at my calendar; morning, afternoon, and evening; that I was able to find peace. This is why we developed a calendar that is big enough for milestones, menu planning, busy schedules, and had 17 months!  The 5 month grace period gives us the ability to schedule events next summer.

Are you still struggling with a calendar that does not fit your needs? Get your calendar ordered today! Use Coupon Code MUSING483 to save 20%!

Think of it this way! The money you save menu planning for ONE week will help you to purchase the FlyLady Calendar.

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