Little Flutters

Dear FlyLady,

I have been a FlyBaby on and off for years. At present, I am a bit more baby than fly, but I have comfort knowing that I can always pick up where I am and roll back into my routines.

Because of all of the positive encouragement, I no longer make myself guilty about getting behind — I just think of it as my starting point. I know it helps me, but I always wonder if my children are picking up some of the positives of flying, even if I am just fluttering.

Tonight I had the website open while I was “refreshing” my knowledge of the babysteps. My 3-year old came up and said, “Hey, Mom, we have that sticker!” (pointing at the picture of Flylady). He said, “Yeah, right on our calendar. You know, where we write all the things we need to remember to do and when.”

I have used the FlyLady calendar for the last several years because of its big boxes to write in, stickers (and handy spot to stuff them in back), and extended calendar. I was so pleased that he knew right where it was and what it was for.

It was a reminder to me that even little flutters have a positive effect on my family. Thank you for the continued advice and motivation.

Fluttering in MI

FlyLady here: Using your calendar is about developing the habit to look at it and write down appointments and basic weekly plan.

You will FLY with good calendar habits!

Use Coupon Code MUSING483 to save 20%!

calendarpageimageIt wasn’t until I incorporated looking at my calendar; morning, afternoon, and evening; that I was able to find peace. This is why we developed a calendar that is big enough for milestones, menu planning, busy schedules, and had 17 months!   The 5 month grace period gives us the ability to schedule events next summer.

Are you still struggling with a calendar that does not fit your needs? Get your calendar ordered today! Use Coupon Code MUSING483 to save 20%!

Think of it this way! The money you save menu planning for ONE week will help you to purchase the FlyLady Calendar.

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