Spreading The Word

Dear FlyLady,

I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve heard this, but it made my dad and I laugh. My dad came to visit for a week, and on his first day, I received my much anticipated purple rags in the mail.

I threw them in the wash and waited like a kid on Christmas for them to be “ready”. My dad probably thought I had lost it, because I sounded like a cheesy infomercial cleaning anything in sight!

“And look, see how much stuff I wiped up??” -showing him all of the gunk on the rag– “now, all I have to do is rinse, twist out the excess water, and keep cleaning!”

I also called my grandma and gave her the “sales pitch” haha! I bought some for her, as well, and she loves them.

Thank you FlyLady!!


Your purple rag ambassador in MI

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