It Has to Be FlyLady

Dear FlyLady,

I’ve known of you for several years but just really started to further apply what I’m learning and want to say “Thank you” for helping us to keep up in our daily routines. I ordered the basic kit and a set of purple cloths to try. I have been impressed with how they cleaned mirrors and windows! The real testimony is when I shared the Purple cloth at my church.

We just moved into our new facility and have a beautiful coffee bar with about a 20′ x 4′ stainless steel counter. The frustrating thing was they couldn’t get it to look good even with stainless steel cleaner and microfiber cloths. On my way out the door to church this morning I grabbed one of my purple cloths to see what it could do. I handed it to my friend who oversees this ministry and she tried it dry to no avail. Someone asked what she had and she said, “Sherry has this magic cloth but it isn’t working yet.”

I had her wet it and try it again. She wiped down half the counter and it looked amazing. We stood waiting while it dried and Viola! It was sparkling clean! There were half a dozen volunteers there all wanting to know what we just did!

Our pastor’s wife saw the purple cloth and said,  “FlyLady! It’s purple, it has to be FlyLady.” They called it my magic cloth and my friend asked if I would order her 6 for the coffee bar and 3 for herself! I was delighted to have blessed them with the ability to shine the stainless steel counter that was frustrating so many volunteers. (Yes I am sure all of us there were perfectionists!)

Thank you again for helping make our lives easier and encouraging us that we aren’t behind. Blessings,

Eager to Fly!

purpleragsHalfsaleFlyLady here: When you have something that works you want to share it with the world. I would have loved to see a video of this process.

Right now our Purple Rags are half price!

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