Smile! Let Your Love Shine Through!

Dear Friends,

I have an assignment for you. Go into the bathroom, turn on the light and look at yourself in the mirror. Then I want you to turn up the corners of your mouth and smile a great big toothy grin for me. Look deep into your own eyes and just smile from the inside out.

Next, I want you to practice smiling when you feel yourself get the least bit upset. Talk in a quiet voice and smile. Tell your children to practice this too. Take a 5 minute challenge at the top of each hour and just walk around the house smiling.

Did you know that a smile on your face puts a happy feeling in your heart? The face muscles that are utilized during the act of smiling, tell the brain you are happy and then the brain releases chemicals that give a euphoric feeling. Try it sometime and prove the scientists wrong.

Just like with yawning, smiles are contagious. Why don’t you share yours. Your babies will love this new game.

So, put a smile on your face and see what happens to your body. It is a wonderful way to do a make over, without really trying. Do it even if you don’t feel like smiling. Let’s call it Smile Therapy!

Are you ready to FLY with your precious SMILE leading the way?


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