My Planner Quit Working for Our Family

Dear FlyLady

I had a planner and kept my appointments in there and hubby kept his own. Then I had to write the menu and post it on the refrigerator. Changes meant lots of cross outs and arrows.

Then came taking Mom-in-law to the grocery store, then selling at craft fairs, then MIL’s Dr. appointments, then Dad moved in and I had to add all his appointments, then I added working a couple days a week. All of this on top of all the usual errands. Hubby never knew where I was and everyone was asking when their appointments were!

FlyLady calendar to the rescue. All appointments color coded, menu on sticky notes for easy changes, work schedule written down and we are all clear on who is where.

Thank you,

Colorado Flybaby

video60419Get your calendars ordered today! School is starting soon! 

If you will use your calendar to plan your menus; this will help you save enough to pay for it!

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