It Works Amazingly with 5 Cats

Dear FlyLady,

I bought my Carpet Sweepa many many months ago in 2018. I have a Pet Bissell vacuum that I use sporadically until it needs TLC and a screwdriver and scissors every 5-6 times I use it. I have 5 cats, I have long hair, and we have a cocoa brown carpet our landlord put in the living room/dining room and berber in the bedrooms with a very low-plush.

This was easy to put together when I followed the YouTube video How To, and I have the little purple “scraper” brush that can be easily hand washed to clean when needed for the bristles on the Sweepa. I’ve have used it about once a week, or when the cats get a bit aggressive in their litter boxes. It is perfect for the day to day pick up and the carpet looks amazing after. It picks up along walls better than my vacuum, but there is still a small section that neither seems to catch.

The handle does at times feel a bit tiny in my hands and makes me worry for the durability, but it has held up well. My son even (knocks on wood in surprise for a repeat!) picked it up for the first time Tuesday and used it on my carpet and he did an amazing job–it looked better than the vacuum would have! He really wanted his friend to come over for the first time ever and started cleaning w/o me saying a word while I looked at him in astonishment.

It was that easy to use! I love it and highly recommend it. To clean it after you’re done just run a wash cloth or a Lysol/Clorox pop up over it (depending on what you picked up in it and if it needs sanitized) to remove the dust, etc. I’m not a nit picky house cleaner and this is perfect for our hectic on-the-go-all-the-time lifestyle. Plus it’s environmentally friendly! Win-win!

Btw, if you don’t know the FlyLady? Look her up on YouTube, or her website, and she’ll even send you daily emails to motivate you in your daily cleaning.

I am a student of the Shiny Sink!

Thank you, FlyLady!

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