I Love Menu Planning Now

Dear FlyLady,

I love menu planning – which I now do thanks to FlyLady!  It’s a sanity-saver!   Here’s my system. I hope it might inspire someone (and help save their sanity!) – I got some of the ideas from other testimonials.

On Tues mornings, right after breakfast, I take out a cookbook –   usually Saving Dinner!  I decide on 5 -6 meals for the week, and write out each one on a small post-it.  If I’m using a recipe, I write in the cookbook name – abbreviated (SD) and the page. –  ie “Dijon Maple chicken, SD p78, Brown rice, Broccoli, Cherry tomatoes”.

I stick the post-it on the calendar, on the spot above the day I plan to serve it. (this keeps the space of the day I need to see clear)  For each menu, I check the ingredients and write the ones I need to buy on a list – different columns for grocery store and fruit/veg market. I go out right away and buy the groceries- and shop so much more quickly with a list.

On the following Tues, I stick all the post-its in a notebook – kept beside the cookbooks.  I write in the date above the 1st entry.    This system works for me because: when I’m totally brain-dead, I can flip through previous menus for inspiration – and know immediately the cookbook and page for the recipe; my family knows what will be served for dinner; when plans change, I can just move the post-its around; I now can serve things like brown rice because I remember to start cooking it on time!; I don’t have to throw away all my now-rotten veg because the post-it reminds me which fresh veg are in the crisper drawer of the fridge.   For dinner parties I use a bigger post-it and then stick it in the notebook as well.

Thanks to all the fly-people for making life so much better!


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