A Tribute to the FlyLady Calendar

Dear FlyLady,

This is a tribute to the FlyLady Calendar.

I am a shift worker that has an erratic roster that has no regularity at all except for working 80 hours every 2 weeks in both 12 and 8 hr shifts, Nights and Days.

For years I have used the Outlook calendar and just printed off the most current month to put on the fridge for everyone to use as the main family calendar because a lot of activities unfortunately revolve around my schedule. This has worked well APART from forward planning! LOL.

This year I got our first FlyLady Calendar and I borrowed someone else’s great tip about putting different colored sticky dots on work days so even from a distance anyone can eyeball what I am doing at least! It has also been wonderful for forward planning especially for holidays and all the important birthdays and events in the year.

But that’s not the reason I write! Yesterday whilst I was at work, my DH and a plumber mate installed a new faucet/tap in the kitchen along with replacing the water filter cartridge under sink. They did a great job of choosing and installing.

Now I was not there at the time, but just viewed the aftermath.

At some stage in the process, someone forgot to turn the mains off at a vital point.. a head high forceful jet of water shot across the kitchen and hit the calendar hanging on the fridge attached with FlyLady magnets!!! It stayed put!!!!! A couple of pages are slightly wavy now dry, but there are no drips, runs or errors, the pages are still completely legible and the dots are still dotty!

I honestly did not notice until they shared their very funny story with me, that’s how little damage there is. Anything else would have turned into Paper Mache!

I am so happy I bought this particular tool. I really like the other tip of sticking mini Post It notes in the spaces.. for either meals or other extra special things. Kudos and Applause for this GREAT tool! (By the way I think they cleaned up most of the water though I have to check behind the fridge) and the new tap looks stunning on my sink and is only just a LITTLE bit shinier than its surrounds… thanks to you, Darling FlyLady and your lovely team.

Heather on the Gold Coast

video60419FlyLady here: Shift work can be challenging for any family. A family calendar is a must for busy families.

I am delighted the calendar survived a forceful jet of water!

Do you have your calendar yet? Get yours while we have a 20% discount with coupon code CHAOS409.

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