No More Lugging a Heavy Vacuum!

Dear FlyLady,

I recently took on the job of cleaning our Chapel. I was lugging my very heavy vacuum (and my feather duster) to the Chapel once a week. It was difficult to get in and out of the car, and schlep to the Chapel from the parking lot. Not to mention, this is a 24 hour Adoration Chapel, so someone is always there.

I always felt so self-conscious turning on the vacuum while people are trying to adore our Lord in silence, although they were very understanding and actually appreciative. When a 3 AM hour opened up, I took it for myself, so I could clean and not disturb anyone else. No one wanders in at 3 AM! But I was still schlepping that darn heavy vacuum! And now in the dark!

My husband suggested taking the Carpet Sweepa, and I agreed, although I felt like I would be slacking on cleaning the house of my Lord! I’ve used it for two weeks now and it does an incredible job! Plus, if anyone suspicious comes by, it’s light enough to use as a weapon! Lol! I’m so thrilled!!

Thank you for all you do for us. You are a lovely lady!

Flying Out Loud in Denver

FlyLady’s Complete Cleaning System contains the Carpet Sweepa. This Sale is ending soon! Take advantage of it while you can save $93.00.

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