Everything I Need in One Place

Dear FlyLady,

A while ago, I ordered The Office In A Bag to use in my home and put it to use immediately.  One day, I thought, “That would be perfect for my classroom.”

I am a high school Special Education teacher.  I teach 4 different subjects, run to meetings almost daily where I need to have the student’s records, and usually bring work home.  I ordered another Office In A Bag and I think every teacher out there should be issued one from their principals!  I am always ready to meet with a parent, I know where the kid’s papers are-what needs to be graded and what to record.  I keep my roll book, grade book, special notices and a calendar in it, along with pencils, markers, etc.  No more missing assignments, coffee stained roll book (you teachers know what I mean!) and I don’t have to fumble around for a student’s info while a parent waits.

Teaching Special Education means that we have regular meetings with the parents and child about the student’s progress.  At the end of each meeting, all the participants sign the papers with the “I’m So Proud of You” pen–and then I present it to the student to praise him for his work.  It ends the meeting on a happy note!

Thanks for a great product (and I’ll soon be ordering more pens!)

FLYing in the Los Angeles classroom.

FlyLady here: It is so nice to have a place for everything! This is why we developed the Office in a Bag! Maybe we should change the name to Teacher’s Office in a Bag!

redofficeinabag2We have them in four colors right now: Blue, Black, Purple, and Red.

The Office in A Bag can be your at home office or your traveling office or both. Use Coupon Code FAMILY170 to save 20%.

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