Enjoying The Calendar

Hello FlyLady,

I have to say I love the calendar; I’m a first time user. The spots are roomy & great! ๐Ÿ™‚

However, being a single, empty nester with a consistentย  schedule – I have to say my calendar was almost bare. It was almost too big & roomy ๐Ÿ˜‰ LOL I decided to add birthdays & anniversary information…and THEN it hit me –> Put their address on their special day too, so it is all in one spot when I am writing out the cards! ๐Ÿ˜€

It has been sweet realizing I remember more addresses than I expected to (yay for good memory!!) & it has been fun calling to catch up with when I call to get the addresses of those who have moved, etc.

THANKS FLYLADY, I am enjoying this calendar SO much ๐Ÿ™‚

Take Care,
Becky from NY

video60419FlyLady here: Christmas will be here before we know it! Think about giving clutter-free gifts! My favorite consumable gift is our FlyLady Calendar!

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