Top Ten for FlyBabies

Dear FlyLady,

Here is my Top Ten!

1.   Let it go.  No regretting what I have not done.2.   Timer – telling me to stop is a beautiful thing!

3.   FlyLady Calendar, with its great lovely blocks, leads me to a more orderly life.

4.   FlyLady mop means I control the dust bunnies with my upstairs weekly home blessing.

5.   Purple rags make cleaning simpler.

6.   Reading how others adapt the FlyLady system lets me implement new ways that fit me.

7.   Writing the meal for the day on the calendar allows me to build a menu plan for the future.

8.   Remove just one item every day from some area that challenges me.  I can remove more if I want, but I don’t have to.

9.   Rubba swishas let me shine the necessary with style.

10. Forgive myself for not doing everything just right.

Grateful Chris in NC

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