My Son Asked For A Feather Duster

Dear FlyLady,

Last time my 26 year old son came home, he asked me to get him an ostrich feather duster to keep his grand piano black and shiny. Apparently he had tried everything else (without much success), and then remembered what I had given him to use here at home to swish over our piano when he used to live with us. The ostrich feathers work!

I ordered one just for him so mine doesn’t go missing.

Kind regards,

Sue from Horsham, UK


FlyLady here: I love the Feather Duster. The feathers “grab” the dust..and then you take the duster outside and shake.  You can bless the world!

Our  FlyLady Feather Dusters make dusting fast and fun! Use Coupon Code CLEAN25 to save 25%!

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