Wow, How Nice and Quick to Clean

Dear FlyLady,

Received my order of purple rags and the feather duster a couple days ago.  I washed out my rags right away and rung one out and started on my full glass storm doors inside and out.  

Wow!  How nice and quick it was to have sparkling clean glass with just a warm wet rag!  No smearing and no chemicals or wads of paper towels!  I then went to my main bath and continued wiping the surfaces and cleaning the whole bathroom.  I was done in no time and only had to rinse the rag out in between areas.  

Then I got my feather duster and had a ball running it over surfaces throughout the house.  For the first time in my life, housework didn’t put a frown on my face.  When I was finished dusting, I laughed as I “blessed the world”!  

I have ordered more purple rags to give as gifts to my sisters and several of the other products for my daughter that has RA.  The carpet sweepa will be so much easier for her to use as well as the purple rags and feather duster.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and enjoyable videos and afternoon tea time.  Your input has certainly renewed my desire to keep a tidy, clean home.  I introduced your website to one of my friends who had become so despondent the past couple years and had let her home go down the tubes.  She immediately took a liking to your letters and videos and has become inspired to tackle all that she has let go for so long.  She told me that her husband said he could tell a big difference in her.  

So you have helped to make two people much happier.  Bless you for all you do for all of us Flybabies!  Have a wonderful Fall Season!

Louisville, KY

purpleragbogoframedOur purple rags are great tools for just about any job that needs doing. Grab one of your damp purple rags and run around your home wiping smudges.

The rubba swisha and purple rags are part of the FlyLady Ultimate Cleaning System.

You don’t even need a coupon code to take advantage of these savings!

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