Dear FlyLady,
I work outside the home and we have two children. I just started and was wondering what three tools would be the best for me to buy from your FlyShop to help me get me motivated. I just know that they help me.
Trying to Fly in Seattle
Dear Trying to Fly,
Let me start by saying that you don’t need to buy tools from the FlyShop to get you motivated. If you are reading our essays, testimonials and doing our Babysteps this is going to “Sink in”! With that being said let me answer your question.
Being a busy Payroll FlyBaby just a little organization can go a long way to eliminating the CHAOS in your life.
1. The first thing I would use would be a timer. They teach us three lessons; when to start, when to stop and that doesn’t take that long. Set your timer and get things done. Our vibrating timer, you can use at work because it does not bother your co-workers.
2. The second thing I would use would be an Office in a Bag. I built mine when I had a young child and worked 50 hours a week. This tool allowed me to work on grocery lists, pay bills and send birthday cards on my lunch hour. This is how I keep up with my important papers for taxes. It saved me a fortune in late charges.
3. The third item I would use would be my books; especially the audio ones. We have to change our way of thinking and to do this we need to replace our negative thinking. I did this by listening to books on tape in my car on the way from work and back home. My car was a rolling university. All that I have learned has made me who I am today! Those lessons are in my books.
4. I know you said three things but I am going to add this one in for good measure. My Control Journal helped me to put into action what I had learned. Faith without works doesn’t really get you anyplace. With my Control Journal on my counter I had direction. I got all caught up in the perfectionism of my building the perfect Control Journal. That is why I have made one for you! Put it on your counter and watch yourself FLY!
5. Now here is the icing on the cake and I promise I will stop after this one. In order to quit beating ourselves up over being disorganized, we need to learn to use a calendar, not just pretend. We need routines for looking at our calendars and keeping all the family on the same page. We all have calendars in our phone and on our computers. Everyone in our family has schedules. We need one calendar that everyone can see that syncs all these calendars. Once a week get your family together to compare calendars and get everything posted on your family calendar. This is why we have a calendar with big boxes; to hold all our schedules.
Every tool we have in our FlyShop has been developed with you in mind. They help us to keep our website free for everyone. Thank you for your love, support and most of all your testimonials. They are the greatest motivational tool we have.
I love you all and you can do this too!
Have you been living in CHAOS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome)?
We are excited to share with you my third book, CHAOS to Clean in 31 Easy BabySteps.
This book will help both our new FlyBabies, and our “not so new” FlyBabies (like those who are “jumping back in where we are”).
Use Coupon Code FLYLADY to save 25% on your calendars.
Back to Basics Package is a great deal at $49.95!
If you are new FlyBaby we have some great tools to get you motivated.