Teaching my Daughter how to use a Calendar

Dear FlyLady,

I feel so awesome right now that I just have to share this with you. I have been a FlyBaby for about 3-4 years. I am still learning and practicing, but I have come a long, long way. I am also trying to teach my 4 year old daughter to FLY by using the calendar and routines to keep organized.

When she started preschool this year, we immediately put all of her holidays on the calendar. As school goes on, we add any due dates that we learn of to the calendar right away. Love that FlyLady calendar – lots of room for everything! Anyway, we also wrote out a routine for getting ready for preschool (brush hair, brush teeth, do we need to return anything, do we need snowpants, etc.). We printed it and put it in a page protector. Every single day we check the calendar and run through the checklist.

Today, when we arrived at preschool, one mom said they forgot their library book (Thursday is library day) and another mother told her son he would have to wear his boots today because they forgot his tennis shoes. My daughter had her tennis shoes to change into and she had her library book – all because of the calendar and checklist. I thought to myself, “Thank you FlyLady!”

With much gratitude,
FlyBaby Chris in MN


FlyLady here: One of the reasons we don’t know how to use a calendar is because we didn’t see anyone use a calendar. If you want your children to learn responsibility and good calendar habits, they need to see you use them! Our calendar has plenty of room for everything: Menus, library Day, tennis shoe day and Gold Stars!

Have you put off buying a calendar because you thought you could find one to fit your needs? Don’t deprive your children of this skill because you have not found another calendar that is big enough!

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