Loving the New Mini Calendar

Dear FlyLady,

I just have to thank you for the 2 different sized calendars! For the a while now I’ve been buying 2 big calendars because I need one for my big family and all our activities, and I use the other for our menu-which took up a lot of space.

With these new little calendars, it is plenty big for the daily menu and perfectly sized to not take up so much room on my pantry wall (the big calendar is still front and center on the refrigerator door for the family to see). I will buy both calendars for as long as you sell them!

Thank you for all you do!!
Flybaby Hilari

Dear FlyLady,

The mini calendar is the best small calendar I have ever used.  The size and squares with lines make it very easy to use.  With inflation on the rise, I have been using it to track credit card usage.

Just the act of recording those expenses has really helped to put a pause on unnecessary expenses, and help with budget adjustments, so we stay within our means.  We do pay off our credit cards every month and that had become somewhat challenging until I began using the mini calendar for tracking usage.

Thank you for another helpful quality product.
Mary in Florida

Do you need to jump back on the FlyLady Wagon? In May we will be going through this book;  CHAOS to Clean in 31 Easy BabySteps.Print

This book will help both our new FlyBabies, and our “not so new” FlyBabies (like those who are “jumping back in where we are”).

Be the First to Get Your 2024 FLYLADY Calendar!

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The 2024 Calendar is also included in the Complete Pack!

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