What is the FlyLady Cleaning System

Dear Friends,

We have a banner that we use at conferences. It goes over our booth which asked a simple question, “Are You Living in CHAOS?” The look on most everyone’s face is priceless. They want to know if we have been to their house.

CHAOSBannerTheir next question is what do you do? The answer is always; we teach you to develop habits and string them into routines. Then what are these products?

I have been trying to keep my house clean for over forty years. If I had a dollar for every mop, broom, or vacuum I have purchased trying to find the best one for the job, I would be a wealthy woman. This is why; we have developed the tools that are easy to use and get the job done efficiently.

Most any mop will clean a floor if you use it on a regular basis. Not only do we have tools for you to use, but we teach you when and how to use them. Sort of like our calendar. A calendar is a calendar but no one ever gave you an instruction manual on how to incorporate it into your morning, afternoon, and evening routines. Any calendar will work if you look at it, but if you don’t you blame the calendar. This goes for electronic calendars too.

I never dreamed we would have a business out of teaching people how to develop habits to get rid of the CHAOS in their lives! I needed people to help me because I could not teach and do everything else; which meant salaries had to be paid. Factor that into the need for good tools and we had a way to pay people.

These tools could not be any ole tool; they had to be something that I loved and used. That is how we developed the FlyLady Ultimate Cleaning System. We started with a Rubba Scrubba. It was so good at anything we used it for that the idea came that it needed a handle. Most brooms were inefficient at best; especially on broken glass.

That’s when the Rubba Sweepa was born. The first Sweepa was great but the handle was not any better than one of those disposable ones in four pieces. We started to design a handle that was extendable. My idea here was if your little ones wanted to help, it could be shortened easily. Then if you needed it to be longer for tall people or to reach higher to sweep down cobwebs outside; it could extend.

A mop was our next efficient tool. I have tried so many mops it is not even funny. The idea was to have a cloth that could be washed and reused; dirty mops equal dirty floors. We mop head was made to fit on our mop handle. Daily maintenance of floors makes the house look clean; this is why I have a love hate relationship with a dustmop. The mop looks dirty all the time and can’t be washed because of the wax in the red mop strings. This is when we came up with the chenille mop cloth. This is so efficient when it comes to dust mopping and wet mopping. You don’t even need to pre-sweep before you mop.

Our Purple rags are the crowning tool to make our FlyLady Cleaning System work for you! With the FlyLady Cleaning System all the tools fit together to reduce our cleaning clutter and give us an efficient way to make our home sparkle. Are you ready to FLY with the me guiding you and our tools helping you to get rid of CHAOS in your life.


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