I Need Help Wrapping My Head Around This

Dear FlyLady,

I am having difficulty wrapping my head around some things. I am certain you have answered this question many times, but I cannot find the answer. How does one keep up with the weekly zone plus the daily missions? I can find time for the daily missions, home blessing, and morning and evening routines, but I cannot seem to fit in the decluttering plus the weekly zones. I work full time, and I have flying for about a month.

Thanks for all that you do.


Dear Kimberly,

You are thinking too hard about all of this! If you are doing the missions then you are already working in our weekly zone. Don’t obsess about doing everything perfectly. Even when you do FlyLady incorrectly it is still better than doing nothing.

As for the decluttering; it is important! The more you declutter the easier it is going to be do your routines. All we ask is to spend 15 minutes decluttering each day! If you don’t have 15 minutes then just do something; it is better than doing nothing. Here is a list of things you can do for two minutes. Set a timer!

  1. Clear off a hotspot
  2. Open a drawer and declutter 5 items.
  3. Pick 5 pieces of clothing that no longer fit.
  4. Toss 5 magazines into recycle bin
  5. Throw away 5 pieces of paper.
  6. Open a junk drawer and eliminate 5 items.
  7. Give away 5 books you have read
  8. Recycle some plastic bowls! Whip Topping and Butter bowls
  9. Get rid of 5 cooking gadgets that you don’t use
  10. Recycle 5 catalogs
  11. Get rid of 5 pieces of junk mail.

So you can see decluttering can be fast and furious! Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to spend just 2 minutes. You will be surprised at how those hotspots will start going away!

You can do it! If there is anything you are giving it away; get it to the car so you can donate tomorrow.


What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

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